• Office :
    Office Of The Superintending Engineer,
    State Highway Planning Circle,
    P. W. (Roads) Directorate,
    Estimating Branch,
    Bhabani Bhawan, Alipore,
    Kolkata - 700 027.

  • Contact : +91 9804146566

  • Email : sdeawb@yahoo.co.in

  • Website : www.sdeawb.org

Aims & Objectives

  • To look after and safeguard the general interest of class members or a member in particular and to work for upliftment of both economic and service conditions of all members.
  • To organize the Diploma Engineers in employment (from the rank of Sub-Assistant Engineers to all higher ranks) under various Department of Government of West Bengal, and to maintain a spirit of good will and brotherly relations among all the members of the Association.
  • To maintain healthy relations, unity, integrity and fraternity between the members of the Association and other employees of Govt., Semi-Govt. and Government undertaking organizations in general.
  • Not to take part in any sectarian Politics of any particular Political Party.
  • To render all possible assistance towards grant of Pension, Gratuity etc. to the members retired from service and also to render all sorts of assistance towards grant of Family Pension. Gratuity etc. to the legal heir of the member who will expire while in service.

Main Demands We Are To Achieve

  • Pay Scales.
  • "JUNIOR ENGINEER" DESIGNATION and protect the Devaluation of Diploma Engineers.

  • Now we are fighting for the above demands under the banner of S.F.A.D.E, W.B.

    Lastly - "WE WERE, WE ARE AND WE WILL" be in the Fighting Field.