- Regularisation of work charged Sub-Assistant Engineers in P.W.D.
- Absorption of surplus Test Relief-overseers (Ex-officio S.A.E.) in various Govt. departments through the P.W.D. cell.
- Subject to abolishing S.C.C. towards permanency, a qualification pay of Rs. 50/- for those who having such certificate.
- Creation of permanent posts of Sub-Assistant Engineers in Construction Board.
- Gazetted status for Sub-Assistant Engineers.
- Change of selection grade scale of pay from Rs. 490/ -- 750/- to Rs. 560/- -- 825/-.
- Increase of selection grade quota 5% to 15%.
- Special allowance of Rs. 25/- for Sub-Assistant Engineers in the year 1974.
- S.A.E. designation for all under employed Diploma Engineers in different Govt. departments.
- Cycle allowance for Block S.A.E.'s.
- Abolition of examination system for promotion in the rank of Head Estimator in Agri-Irrigation Directorate.
- Scope of professional examination for promotion in the rank of A.E. from S.A.E. at completion of eight years of service only.
- Increase of promotion quota for S.A.E. in the rank of A.E. from 20% to 30% subsequently from 30% to 40%.
- Introduction of promotion for Sub-Assistant Engineers beyond A.E. without any bar.
- Declaration of Ex-officio S.A.E. for Junior Inspecting Officer (J.I.O.) under Directorate of Electricity.
- Statutory power for Junior Inspecting Officer under Directorate of Electricity.
- Introduction of transfer policy in black and white for the post of S.A.E.'s and A.E.'s.
- Introduction of the system of discussion with respective service union prior to transfer its member.
- Introduction of S.A.E. designation for test relief overseers and other Diploma Engineers in different departments.
- Change of service of S.A.E.'s from General Service to Engineering Service in Agri-Irrigation Directorate.
- Introduction of separate Attendance Register for S.A.E.'s.
- Introduction of same gradation list for both promoted and appointed A.E.'s.
- Recruitment of Sub-Assistant Engineers through Public Service Commission, West Bengal.
Main Demands We Are To Achieve
- Pay Scales.
- "JUNIOR ENGINEER" DESIGNATION and protect the Devaluation of Diploma Engineers.
Now we are fighting for the above demands under the banner of S.F.A.D.E, W.B.
Lastly -
be in the Fighting Field.