• Office :
    Office Of The Superintending Engineer,
    State Highway Planning Circle,
    P. W. (Roads) Directorate,
    Estimating Branch,
    Bhabani Bhawan, Alipore,
    Kolkata - 700 027.

  • Contact : +91 9804146566

  • Email : sdeawb@yahoo.co.in

  • Website : www.sdeawb.org


1. Need based minimum pay should be fixed at Rs. 6,900/- per month at 536 C.P.I. (based on 1982 = 100) w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

2. a) The scale of pay of Sub-Assistant Engineers should initially be fixed just below the scale of Assistant Engineers : Rs.16,000/- - 38,500/- (30 years), i.e., corresponding Pay Band of – Rs. 11,200 – 38,500/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 4,800/-
b) The Sub-Assistant Engineer be awarded the scale of pay of Assistant Engineer after 8 (eight) years of service : Rs.21,000/- - 41,000/- (25 years), i.e., corresponding Pay Band of – Rs. 15,600 – 41,000/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/-
c) The Sub-Assistant Engineer will automatically enjoy the scale of pay of Executive Engineer after 16(sixteen) years of service: Rs.22,200/- - 46,200/- (24 years), i.e., corresponding Pay Band of – Rs. 15,600 – 46,200/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 6,600/-
d) The Sub-Assistant Engineer will automatically enjoy the scale of pay of Superintending Engineer after 25(twenty five) years of service : Rs.46,100/- - 67,100/- (16 years), i.e., corresponding Pay Band of – Rs. 37,400 – 67,100/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 8,700/-

3. a) 50% of the posts of Assistant Engineer are to be filled up from the rank of Sub-Assistant Engineer.
b) In addition the percentage of quota as indicated above; 25% of the balance posts of the Assistant Engineers shall have always to be kept reserved for the Sub-Assistant Engineers who have acquired Degree in Engineering or equivalent qualification.
c) The post of Lift Inspector in Public Works (Electrical) Department be upgraded to the rank of Assistant Engineer.
d) The inter-se-seniority of a Promoted Sub- Assistant Engineer should be determined from the date of occurrence of vacancy in the promotional post and his promotion should be considered with retrospective effect.

4. The Sub-Assistant Engineer should be re-designated as “Junior Engineer”.

5. The service of the Sub-Assistant Engineers to be termed as ‘JUNIOR SERVICES OF ENGINEERS’ in place of Subordinate Services of Engineers.

6. a) In view of the grounds stated above we demand that, a Sub-Assistant Engineer / Junior Inspecting Officer should be allowed to appear in the Professional Examination conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal from the date of joining in the post.
b) We also demand that, a Sub-Assistant Engineer / Junior Inspecting Officer shall acquire promotional eligibility to the post of Assistant Engineer/ Inspecting Officer after 8 years of service.
c) Introduction of Engineering Service Structure in respect of Junior Inspecting Officer, Inspecting Officer and Senior Inspecting Officer in Directorate of Electricity Duty alike other Engineering Directorates.

7. Special Pay for Head Estimator : Rs. 1,000.00 only per month.

8. Transport Allowance –
(i) For the scale of pay of Sub-Assistant Engineers: Rs. 1200/- + D.A. per month.
(ii) For the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers : Rs. 2400/- + D.A. per month.

9. Traveling Allowance : 100% increase in all rates.

10. Dearness Allowance : At per with Central Govt. rate.

11. House rent allowance –
a) 25% of the basic pay to all Govt. employees.
b) Standard rent on the basis of the actual assessment of space provided for the occupier of the Govt. should be made and in no case it will exceed the amount of H.R.A. drawn by the employee concerned.

12. Education Allowance : Rs. 12,000.00 per annum per child.

13. Hill Compensatory Allowance : @ 25% of the basic pay.

14. Winter Allowance : Rs. 3,000.00 (Rupees Three thousand) only every year.

15. Special Allowance for handling stores and T & P. : Rs. 600/- per month.

16. Project / Construction Allowance : @ 20% of Basic pay.

17. Medical Benefits –
(i) Instead of reimbursement of expenditure for treatment, the Govt. should device a procedure for a cashless medical treatment as categorised in notification No. 7287-F, 19-09-2008 like Mediclaim facility.
(ii) For expenditure incurred for medical treatment without hospitalization an amount of Rs.500/- per month be granted to all Govt. employees as Medical Allowance.

18. a) Bonus : @ 8.33% of the pay inclusive of all D.A. to all categories of employee.
b) Retirement benefits & Pension Rules –
60% of Basic Pay + D.A.
c) Commutation – Commuted part of Pension should be restored after 10 years from the date of Superannuation.
d) Gratuity Benefit : Maximum limit of gratuity should be extended to 8 lakhs.
e) Family pension : 70% of Pension amount.
f) Leave Travel Concession – Should be regulated on the basis of the total journey (both onward & return) subject to maximum of 5000km. once in every year by the class of accommodation admissible to incumbent.

19. In service Training Opportunity to the Sub-Assistant Engineers in the different Departments of the State Government need to be introduced for the interest of the Govt. works.

20. Award of “Full Trade Union Right” by outright cancellation of all rules & orders depriving the employees from their democratic right.

21. Abolition Of Supervisor Certificate of Competency (S.C.C.).

22. Leave encashment 50% of accumulated leave upto 60 days at a time.

23. Transfer policy should be implemented sympathetically preferably at per with option.

24. Measures for bringing the Sub-Assistant Engineers of Non-Engineering Department under the control of Engineering Department.