Our Mission & Vision

  • To promote, provide, assist, and nurture entrepreneurship in the minds of women belonging to the educationally, economically and socially backward class in the society.
  • To create mass awareness of self-employment and entrepreneurship in the minds of the women across the country thereby impacting the livelihood and to promote social welfare thereof.
  • To provide a platform to promote and market the products of those women and assist them to increase the scale and growth of their business.
  • To help each child and young person to attain educational achievements to the best of their potential.
  • To raise voice against child abuse and create awareness campaigns through various forums also to aid and assist the government in the policymaking pertaining to child safety and anti-child abuse.
  • A world where every person has access to relevant, quality education and lifelong learning.
  • To develop appropriate managerial and technical expertise and skills to face the emerging competitive situation in India and globe.
  • The Organization seeks to groom young technocrats to combine the use of technical skills with an understanding of the socio-cultural system to emerge as leaders in their respective fields of endeavour and make significant contribution through better management in all sectors of the economy and society.
  • To develop a professional mind-set comprising a confident self-image, creativity, innovativeness, leadership, high commitment, sensitivity and dynamism so as to be able to imbibe appropriate technology and management styles for practice of management & technology.
  • To provide support and promote innovative solutions to the challenges faced by ministries of education and governments and other Organization in the complex task of improving equity, quality, relevance and effectiveness of curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment processes and outcomes.